Sunday, August 25, 2013


Notice and Focus + Ranking

Step 1: no debate, biased opinions, discredits each others shows, emotional argument, Jon Stewart wears a sweater while other men wear suits, democrat supporter wears American flag pin, Jon Stewart remains unbiased, Jon Stewart tells the men that there shows are "hurting America"

Step 2: bias opinions, Jon Stewart is unbiased,

Step 3: The bias opinions were very revealing because the men flat out stated who/what they supported. Jon Stewart's neutrality was interesting since the other men did not seem to care who knew who/what they supported. Jon Stewart's outfit was strange since the other men were in suits.

The Method:

Step 1: best x5, stop x5, confront x3, bad x2, hurting America x2, please x6

Step 2: bad, hurting, confronting, not honest, fail, painful, kills (politicians)

Step 3: love/hurt, funny/smart, good/boring

Step 4: The most important repetition is "hurting America". This repetition is Jon Stewart's interpretation of the two mens shows. He claims that their shows are just bad. The two mens jobs are to inform the people of the news so that American citizens will be better informed and make better choices. But the two men are biased and want people to know what they think and just go along with them. So, the two men are essentially trying to convince people that they are right.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

When I first get an essay assignment I tend to procrastinate because I'm not a very good writer. I brainstorm my ideas by just typing. Since English isn't my strongest subject, I tend to pick the topic that is the easiest to write about. I work best in a quiet environment whether I am at home, the library, or a computer lab. If music is playing I can not focus. Normally I will proof-read my essays and then have someone else proof-read them as well. I probably go through about 3 drafts before my paper is complete. In high school I took AP English but did not do well on my essays. My biggest weakness when writing is starting the paper. It is hard for me to write the introductory paragraph. I also tend to get my point across quickly and then run out of things to say. Sometimes my high school teacher would tell me to write more and elaborate on my ideas, but by doing so I essentially ended up repeating myself so that my paper would be longer. The easiest part of a paper for me is probably the grammar. Normally I can structure my sentences well. In this class I hope to elaborate more and create well rounded papers.